of schools teach children that it is possible to be born in the wrong body
of schools use external providers for lessons and/or resources on gender identity
of schools say they will allow a boy who identifies as a girl to compete in girls' sports
Asleep at The Wheel
A new report by Policy Exchange reveals that schools are increasingly becoming influenced by gender ideology, to the extent that fundamental safeguarding principles are being compromised by school’s approaches to children with gender distress and their peers.
Schools are among the most concerning places where gender ideology is being presented as fact.
Children in infant school – as young as five years old – are being taught that it is possible to change sex, and that girls who like sports and boys who like dressing up may be transgender.
More than 800 schools in the UK are in the Stonewall Champions scheme. Stonewall falsely claims that boys who identify as girls have the right to use girls’ toilets and changing-rooms. And it misrepresents the Equality Act, claiming that 'gender' or 'gender identity' is a protected characteristic, rather than sex.
Schools are buying resources to teach sex education from external companies, some of it containing explicit material.
The Proud Trust created a 'dice game' for children from the age of 11, requiring them to say what they would do with random pairings of objects and body parts: vulva, penis, anus, mouth and fingers.
Some schools use alternative names and pronouns for children without asking or even informing parents – a clear breach of safeguarding and parental rights.
Many have LGBTQ clubs where children are told that rejecting stereotypes for their sex may mean they are trans, and girls who identify as boys learn about breast binders, which can cause permanent physical harm.
Children are being indoctrinated into gender ideology, when they should be being educated and kept safe.
Do you know what your local schools are teaching children about sex and gender identity?
What are children learning in Personal, Social, Health and Economic education?
Are the toilets and changing-rooms in local schools single-sex?
Does your local authority insist on single-sex facilities in its schools, and protect children from harmful and inappropriate lessons?